Combo box values from another Access File



Can anyone tell me how to populate a combo box (or any data control) with
values from another Access file without opening it?
I have two access files, one which containes the company cost centre
structure and budget codes etc. I want to create a seperate file for income
and expense data, (which will be a high volume of data). I do not want to
keep all in a single file. However, at the data entry I want to display the
cost centres, budget codes etc on combo boxes.
Thank you.

Andy Hull


Link the tables - go to tables, click on new, choose link table and browse
to the access db and table.

You will then be able to use these linked tables as if they were actual
tables but the data won't be stored in this new database.


Andy Hull


It sounds like you have not split you database.
The proper way to implement an Access application is to split the database
into a Front End (FE), Back End (BE). There is a database spliter wizard in
the Datbase Utilities menu.
It will split the database so all tables and relationships are in the BE and
all the forms, reports, queries, and macros are in the FE.
You put the BE on a shared folder where all users have full rights.
You put a copy of the Front End FE on each user's computer.

The FE links to the data in the BE using the Linked Table Manager. One
thing to be aware of is if all users are not using the same drive letter
mappings, then it is necessary to use UNC paths rather than drive letter
mapping in the Linked Table Manager. That is, instead of
M:\SomeFolder\SomeSubFolder, you would use

Now, that is a long way to get to your question. You idea to use multiple
back ends in good. There are a number of reasons this is done. But, the
answer is, there is really no limit to the number of back end mdb files you
can link to. So if you have some of your data in one mdb and more of it in
another, no problem. Just link to the tables in each as necessary.


Thanks Klatuu for explaining the ideas behind splitting and using multiple
mdb files. I have found answers to numerous problems from explanations you
have given to others. Really appreciate it.
Thanks again

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