Combo Box with lookup to one table, saving to another?




I have a form (NewInquiry) related to table InquiryList. Within the
InquiryList table is a lookup field to CustomerInquiryList (lists customer by
name and expands to show each inquiry pertaining to that customer.) The
CustomerInquiryList is populated by ContactTypeID, which is in turn populated
by Contacts. In my NewInquiry form I am trying to create a Combo Box that
has a pulldown listing CustomerName visible while hiding address/contact name
info within the box so as to use text boxes that auto-fill on the form to
display that information. The problem is, because the InquiryList table is
only using a lookup for the customer's name, I am forced to link the combo
box to the Contacts table, which is not saving the Customer's name in any
relation to the inquiry.

Is there any way I can make the combo box pull it's information from the
Contacts table just to view the pertaining information about the customer
while at the same time saving my selection of CustomerName to the related
record in InquiryList tbl?

Thanks in advance,


Is there any way I can make the combo box pull it's ....of CustomerName to
the related record in InquiryList tbl?
Yes, but it must have the same customer information such as CustomerID as
the table where you will store the data.
Create a SQL select statement and include the CustomerID as first field and
bind column 1 to the form's field.

jrthor_85 via

KARL said:
Yes, but it must have the same customer information such as CustomerID as
the table where you will store the data.
Create a SQL select statement and include the CustomerID as first field and
bind column 1 to the form's field.

Thankyou for your reply. I took a look at the layout again this morning
keeping in mind what you had said, when I noticed the answer all along was in
my own words. My Contacts table and CustomerInquiryList are in no way
related. And being that they currently arent related, both tables have
inconsistent data which I must first remedy before I can build a working
relationship between them.

Guessing all I needed really was a chance to step back and look at the bigger
picture to give me the opportunity to notice the finer details.

Either way, I thank you for your time, and applaud all the effort from the
gurus of this forum.
Best regards,

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