Combo Box



Help required! I have two tables; tbtask (fields: id, task, techieID) and
tbtechie (Fields: id, technie, Active - Y/N), utilising a one to many
relation. The purpose of the Db is to record tasks and assign a technician
to the task. I have created a form (frmTask) with the task field and a combo
box for the techie so this can be chosen from a pre-defined list. Great,
easy. However, what I want to be able to do is filter out techies where the
Active field state no. I then added to followng to the row source so only
Active techies would be available in my combo (SELECT,
tbtechie.techie FROM tbtechie WHERE (((; ). This
appeared to work fine, the combo box only included the techies that where
active. However for existing records the field was showing blank because it
wasn't in the list - not really what I had in mind, I needed the combo box to
be fitlered but the previous select/field value visiable. Too counter this I
then went to the properties of the combo box I then edited the bound
properties, this had the desired affect however the combo/field is now
showing the techieID and not the technie name, not much use to anyone unless
you refer to people as a number - question is, how to I change the display
text from the techieId to the techie name?

sorry if I have posted twice, i had a problem with ie.


Help required! I have two tables; tbtask (fields: id, task, techieID) and
tbtechie (Fields: id, technie, Active - Y/N), utilising a one to many
relation. The purpose of the Db is to record tasks and assign a technician
to the task. I have created a form (frmTask) with the task field and a combo
box for the techie so this can be chosen from a pre-defined list. Great,
easy. However, what I want to be able to do is filter out techies where the
Active field state no. I then added to followng to the row source so only
Active techies would be available in my combo (SELECT,
tbtechie.techie FROM tbtechie WHERE (((; ). This
appeared to work fine, the combo box only included the techies that where
active. However for existing records the field was showing blank because it
wasn't in the list - not really what I had in mind, I needed the combo box to
be fitlered but the previous select/field value visiable. Too counter this I
then went to the properties of the combo box I then edited the bound
properties, this had the desired affect however the combo/field is now
showing the techieID and not the technie name, not much use to anyone unless
you refer to people as a number - question is, how to I change the display
text from the techieId to the techie name?

sorry if I have posted twice, i had a problem with ie.
A ComboBox displays the first visible column of the RowSource when collapsed.
Try setting the 1st column to 0"; on the Format tab of the ComboBox.
hth - RuralGuy (RG for short)
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