
Hi ...My Question may be simple . If have a combo box
bound to a table that I use to retrieve part numbers
from . When I click on a part number in the combo
box ....I want the number to be put some where on the
form . Then when I pull the same combo box up and click on
another number , the next number will fall below the
first, and so forth . Much like an invoice . I know I
could do this if the box on the form was bound to the
number . Thanks


Add an unbound text control to the form.
Size it tall enough to display all the information.
Name it ShowSelections.

Code the combo box after update event ....
If the Combo's bound column is the same as the one displayed in the combo
[ShowSelections] = [ShowSelections] & Me!ComboName & chr(13) & chr(10)

If the combo's bound column is not the one displayed:

[ShowSelections] = [ShowSelections] & Me!ComboName.Column(X) & chr(13) &

Where the X is the number of the column you want to display.
Combo boxes are Zero based so Column(1) is actually the second column.

Albert D. Kallal

You best bet is probably to using a sub-form in continues mode. They are
great for this kind of interface.

So, you need to build a another table. (call it tblMyPartNumbers). this
table will simply be a list of part numbers that belong to the particular
record you are view. This table needs to be related to the record you are

Continues forms in ms-access are a replacement for grids. Here is some
screen shots of some continues forms:

Thus, you will make your continues form a "sub-form" on the existing form,
and base it on your new table that has a list of the part numbers.

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