I have a combo box that is based on a SELECT query as follows:
SELECT InstitFactories.InstFactNum, Factories.FactoryName,
InstitFactories.Quota, InstitFactories.Shifts
FROM Factories INNER JOIN InstitFactories ON Factories.FactoryID =
In the query "InstitFactories.InstFactNum" is the PK in the InstitFactories
table and "Factories.FactoryName" is the PK in the Factories table. (This may
not matter)
The result of the SELECT query is 7 records. Of these records three have the
same value for the field "Ouota" which the value in each is 120. When
selecting any of the three records with this same value, the combo box only
allows the first record with the 120 value. Combo box example:
Factory Quota
Laundry 80
Shoe 120
Maint 10
Optical 120
Bakery 76
Whse 120
When Optical or Whse is selected from the combo box list, only Shoe is
returned in the combo box field.
When I change the "Quota" values to be unique in the table, the combo box
allows any choice in the list. The problem is that in real life the values
are not unique.
Does anyone have any ideas why this is and how I can correct this issue?
SELECT InstitFactories.InstFactNum, Factories.FactoryName,
InstitFactories.Quota, InstitFactories.Shifts
FROM Factories INNER JOIN InstitFactories ON Factories.FactoryID =
In the query "InstitFactories.InstFactNum" is the PK in the InstitFactories
table and "Factories.FactoryName" is the PK in the Factories table. (This may
not matter)
The result of the SELECT query is 7 records. Of these records three have the
same value for the field "Ouota" which the value in each is 120. When
selecting any of the three records with this same value, the combo box only
allows the first record with the 120 value. Combo box example:
Factory Quota
Laundry 80
Shoe 120
Maint 10
Optical 120
Bakery 76
Whse 120
When Optical or Whse is selected from the combo box list, only Shoe is
returned in the combo box field.
When I change the "Quota" values to be unique in the table, the combo box
allows any choice in the list. The problem is that in real life the values
are not unique.
Does anyone have any ideas why this is and how I can correct this issue?