Combo boxes and AutoSum



What function would I use to add a range of numbers that includes a combo
box? I tried AutoSum but the Total doesn't recalculate when I change the
number in the combo box. Thanks so much!

T. Valko

Do you have the combo box linked to a cell?

A combo box does not occupy a cell, it "floats" on top of the worksheet. If
you have the combo box linked to a cell the linked cell will return the
*index number* of the selected item. Depending on what numbers you have as
selections for the combo box, you then have to associate the selection index
number with the actual value of the selected number.

For example, if you have these numbers as selections for the combo box:


If you select 10 the linked cell will return 1. 10 is the first item in the
list so it has an index number of 1. 20 is the second item in the list so it
has an index number of 2. 30 is the third item in the list so it has an
index number of 3.

So, you'd have to convert those index numbers to their actual values. It's
not difficult but you'd have to provide more detailed info as to what the
numbers are and *where* they're located as the source for the combo box.

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