Combo boxes not working in Access 2000.


Jim Parsons

I have a app. that has been running fine in Access 97 for
5 years. I have converted it into 2000 and XP, but users
are are getting an intermitant problem with combo boxes in
the 2000 version only.

Sometimes, when they select a item from the dropdown list,
instead of the item being displayed and the AfterUpdate
action firing, the combo blanks out and nothing happens.

This only happens on certain user machines and only some
combo boxes in the same application. I have tried re-
compiling the app on the user's machine, converting it to
XP and back again, but none of these actions fixes the

Has anyone got any ideas what's goiong on here please?
Many thanks.


Mark Jones

Not an answer, I'm afraid, but just to say that we have an
application with exactly the same problem; the query
attached to the combo intermittently starts to return no
records, so no drop down is available.

We are investigating different fixes (like building the
query again if no list), but any 'proper' fix suggestions
gratefully received...


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