I have 15 combo boxes named combo1, combo2, combo3 etc. How can I cycle
through a loop to access the properties of the of the selected items. These
are not the only objects on the sheet. On the PC using activex it is a
breeze. You use a string for the name and concatenate the name then use the
name to select the object. Mac is unfamiliar territory so it is a bit more
difficult. Also could someone suggest a good book on VBA for Mac Office 2004?
through a loop to access the properties of the of the selected items. These
are not the only objects on the sheet. On the PC using activex it is a
breeze. You use a string for the name and concatenate the name then use the
name to select the object. Mac is unfamiliar territory so it is a bit more
difficult. Also could someone suggest a good book on VBA for Mac Office 2004?