combo boxes(why can't this stuff be simple?)



Why can't this all be simple? Us non programmer types (the people 'Dummy'
books are written for) should be able to easily do this stuff.
My problem with my form appears terribly simple (yet I can't figure out how
to implement the solution): F1 doesn't tell you "how" to do the refresh on
the AfterUpdate property for the combo box.
What I need the combo box to do is easy: I have coded a simple two line
procedure to open an Input box for the user to enter multiple items (all
separated by a semi; colons) which then populates the combo box. That part
works. After I hit Enter the combo box is populated correctly. While the
control still has Focus I can click the down arrow and wholla, the list is
there. "However," as soon as the control looses Focus it doesn't save to the
table unless I click on an item. And then, only that item is saved, not the
entire list.
(1) I need the items to save back to the table. I've read here about the
'refresh' property for the control. But how is that coded? Is this a macro I
need to create or is this done via an event procedure?? Why can't you just
type in "refresh" on the property sheet? That's what it's there for. (that'd
make too much sense)
And (2) I need the first item in the list to display in the combo box after
it is updated. Instead of being left blank. List(0) if that's what it's

Thanks...if this stuff were easier to do you wouldn't need forums, user
groups, knowledge bases, etc. For god's sake, just make it easy. I'm gonna
have to go buy a Dummy book.

Mr B


I think you may have misunderstood what a combo box is designed to do. It is
susposed to be used in cases where there are many choices but only one choice
is to be selected. Therefore, your combo box appears to be working as
designed and expected.

That said, this sounds like one of those situations where you may need a
second table. It is not a good idea to store multiple values in one field.
I may have not understood what you are trying to do, but you made it sound as
if you were wanting to store all of the values typed in to the message box by
the user in the field linked to the combo box. While it is possible to do
this, I would make retreval of the data more difficult. You may want to
rethink your database design.

One of the most critical aspects of database development is the design of
the table structures and other related information.


Thanks for responding.
You are right--it isn't perhaps a well designed solution to this particular
problem. What I'm trying to do is avoid using a second table because of the
massive implications (that would be) involved in creating it. I'm designing
is a simple database to store DVD titles. The combo box is being used to
store the Cast members. And your right, a combo box is for a single selection
choice not for storage. And btw, it works perfectly now with the refresh
procedure added. Ha ha, unfortunately I'll need to rethink how I need to
display the cast members field.

Perhaps a list box would be better? All it needs to do is display the names,
not selection them. What I had envisioned is a list box that would display
the user entries if viewed from the form, but as you suggest, the combo box
wasn't designed for that function. I guess I just need to change out the
control to a list box and go that route.
Thanks for your suggestion. (sorry for the previous rant, but I hate

Mr B

Well, whatever works in your situation. Sometimes you just have to have some
dialog to get new ideas that will help to reach a goal.

Good luck with your project.

Mr B

butboris via



Well unfort. I am lost again. I scapped the combo or list box idea in favor
of just creating a series of text boxes to input the info. It works great if
the text boxes are bound to the one table, however I have created a second
table to store specifically that information. I don't want it on the other
table as it would just make a huge messy table. How do I bind my text boxes
to the other table?? I tried to bind the Control Source property of the text
box on the form by using the Expression builder (ex. =[Table2]![Field1] ) to
point to the other table, however when I run the form it doesn't allow me to
edit the field saying it's bound to the expression. Exactly, that's what I
want it to do. I want the info. I type in to go to the other table, not the
current one the other form's controls are bound to. Now it works fine if I
change the Control Source back to the other the drop down list
presents me with the bound controls avail. That works, but I don't want that
info. going to that table. I want the info. stored in the other table.


Oh, very cool. Thx I'll take a looksee.

butboris via said:
Maybe this template for a DVD database will give you some ideas?

Mr said:
Well, whatever works in your situation. Sometimes you just have to have some
dialog to get new ideas that will help to reach a goal.

Good luck with your project.

Mr B
Thanks for responding.
You are right--it isn't perhaps a well designed solution to this particular
[quoted text clipped - 57 lines]
groups, knowledge bases, etc. For god's sake, just make it easy. I'm gonna
have to go buy a Dummy book.

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