Combo Boxes



Is there a way to remove the "arrow" from the right of the combo box. I have
small comboboxes and it interfers with viewing the information? Any help
would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


just wanted to see if there is a way. Also I want to end user to see the data
first generated aways, but they don't really need to use the arrow for

Damon Heron

"but they don't really need to use the arrow for anyhting."
Then use a textbox!


John Spencer

One way that might work is to stack two controls on top of each other -
a combobox and a textbox.

-- Bind the two controls to the same control source.
-- Make the combobox narrower than the textbox
-- make sure the textbox is on top of the combobox. (Menu: Format: Move
to Front]
-- In the got focus event of the textbox, change the width of the
combobox to be wide enough to show the data and the "arrow"
-- Use Me.comboboxName.SetFocus to move the focus to the combobox.

-- In the lostFocus event of the combobox set the width of the combobox
control to shrink it so it will be hidden by the textbox.

-- OH, and set the tabstop property of the combobox to NO so you won't
tab into it. That will will be handled by tabbing into the related text

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2009
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County

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