Combo list doesn't scroll



Hi everyone and Happy New Year

I have a combo box whos data source is a table with about 4000 records. When
the box first opens, the scroll sliders dont work properly (ie the list
doesn't scroll as the slider moves) until you have got right to the bottom of
the list. Thereafter, the sliders work fine unles you close the form and
reopen it, whereupon you have to go all through the same procedure again. Is
there any way to automate this, so that the sliders work on first opening?

Jeff Boyce

A combo box with 4000 rows may be pushing the boundaries of usability. Have
you considered "filtering" that combo box down to a more manageable length?
"Cascading combo boxes" is the topic under which you could find previous
descriptions of this technique.

Jim Shaw

I've been having this problem too with only 140 items in my combo box. The
list is filled by access retrieving all the values in a table column.


Stephen Lebans

In the Form's Load event do this:

Dim x as long
x = YourComboName.ListCount

This will force Access to get a count for all of the rows of the
rowsource behind the Combo. It will then update the Combo's ScrollBar
properties to reflect the total number of rows.


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.

Wez.k said:
Hi everyone and Happy New Year

I have a combo box whos data source is a table with about 4000 records. When
the box first opens, the scroll sliders dont work properly (ie the list
doesn't scroll as the slider moves) until you have got right to the bottom of
the list. Thereafter, the sliders work fine unles you close the form and
reopen it, whereupon you have to go all through the same procedure again. Is
there any way to automate this, so that the sliders work on first


Thank you Stephen, works a treat!

Stephen Lebans said:
In the Form's Load event do this:

Dim x as long
x = YourComboName.ListCount

This will force Access to get a count for all of the rows of the
rowsource behind the Combo. It will then update the Combo's ScrollBar
properties to reflect the total number of rows.


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.


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