Combo question, how drag a value from a form to another one.



Hi all.
I think it's pretty easy but I don't know why it does not work with me..I
have made this question before but the answer it does not work.

I want tu pull a data from a first Form to sencond form.
the field in both first & second form are: Combobox
Combo name in first form is:combo1
Combo name in second form is:ud

source of Combo1:
SELECT Users.UserID, [LastName] & " , " & [FirstName] AS Name,
Users.Password, Users.OrderPerson, Users.ApproverPerson,
Users.ReceiverPerson, Users.AdminPerson, Users.Active FROM Users WHERE
(((Users.Active)=Yes)) Or (((Users.Active)=Yes)) ORDER BY Users.Password;

source of ud:
SELECT Users.UserID, [LastName] & " , " & [FirstName] AS Name FROM Users;

Here is the statements that I have but it does not work, could you help me

(e-mail address removed)

Private Sub OpenOrders_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_OpenOrders_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "Orders" 'Data Base name

stLinkCriteria = "[ud]=" & Me![Combo1].Column(1)

DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description

Resume Exit_OpenOrders_Click

End Sub


I don't understand, are you trying to filter the combo in form 2 according to
the selection in combo1?

The filter you applying in the Open form command line is for the form and
not for the combo.


Hi , could you please tell what do I need to do?
or how it need to go?

Ofer said:
I don't understand, are you trying to filter the combo in form 2 according to
the selection in combo1?

The filter you applying in the Open form command line is for the form and
not for the combo.
If I answered your question, please mark it as an answer. That way, it will
stay saved for a longer time, so other can benifit from it.

Good luck

ldiaz said:
Hi all.
I think it's pretty easy but I don't know why it does not work with me..I
have made this question before but the answer it does not work.

I want tu pull a data from a first Form to sencond form.
the field in both first & second form are: Combobox
Combo name in first form is:combo1
Combo name in second form is:ud

source of Combo1:
SELECT Users.UserID, [LastName] & " , " & [FirstName] AS Name,
Users.Password, Users.OrderPerson, Users.ApproverPerson,
Users.ReceiverPerson, Users.AdminPerson, Users.Active FROM Users WHERE
(((Users.Active)=Yes)) Or (((Users.Active)=Yes)) ORDER BY Users.Password;

source of ud:
SELECT Users.UserID, [LastName] & " , " & [FirstName] AS Name FROM Users;

Here is the statements that I have but it does not work, could you help me

(e-mail address removed)

Private Sub OpenOrders_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_OpenOrders_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "Orders" 'Data Base name

stLinkCriteria = "[ud]=" & Me![Combo1].Column(1)

DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description

Resume Exit_OpenOrders_Click

End Sub


You didn't answer my question if its a filter for the combo.

If you want to filter the combo in form 2 while form 1 still open, you can
assign a filter directly to the combo refering to the field in form 1

SELECT Users.UserID, [LastName] & " , " & [FirstName] AS Name FROM Users
Where Users.UserID = Forms![Enter here Form1 Name]![combo1]
Or, you can pass a value to form 1 using the OpenArgs, and on the OnLoad
event of form 2 you can assign the RowSource to the combo together with the

DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , , , , Me.Combo1

On the Load event of form 2 write

Me.ud.RowSource = "SELECT Users.UserID, [LastName] & " , " & [FirstName] AS
Name FROM Users Where Users.UserID = " & Me.openArgs

If I answered your question, please mark it as an answer. That way, it will
stay saved for a longer time, so other can benifit from it.

Good luck

ldiaz said:
Hi , could you please tell what do I need to do?
or how it need to go?

Ofer said:
I don't understand, are you trying to filter the combo in form 2 according to
the selection in combo1?

The filter you applying in the Open form command line is for the form and
not for the combo.
If I answered your question, please mark it as an answer. That way, it will
stay saved for a longer time, so other can benifit from it.

Good luck

ldiaz said:
Hi all.
I think it's pretty easy but I don't know why it does not work with me..I
have made this question before but the answer it does not work.

I want tu pull a data from a first Form to sencond form.
the field in both first & second form are: Combobox
Combo name in first form is:combo1
Combo name in second form is:ud

source of Combo1:
SELECT Users.UserID, [LastName] & " , " & [FirstName] AS Name,
Users.Password, Users.OrderPerson, Users.ApproverPerson,
Users.ReceiverPerson, Users.AdminPerson, Users.Active FROM Users WHERE
(((Users.Active)=Yes)) Or (((Users.Active)=Yes)) ORDER BY Users.Password;

source of ud:
SELECT Users.UserID, [LastName] & " , " & [FirstName] AS Name FROM Users;

Here is the statements that I have but it does not work, could you help me

(e-mail address removed)

Private Sub OpenOrders_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_OpenOrders_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "Orders" 'Data Base name

stLinkCriteria = "[ud]=" & Me![Combo1].Column(1)

DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description

Resume Exit_OpenOrders_Click

End Sub


Hi Ofer..
first Option work fine,,thank you so much, just I have peding how put the
value as default because when I open the second form , the ud is in Blank but
with the data in filter but I need to select it .


Ofer said:
You didn't answer my question if its a filter for the combo.

If you want to filter the combo in form 2 while form 1 still open, you can
assign a filter directly to the combo refering to the field in form 1

SELECT Users.UserID, [LastName] & " , " & [FirstName] AS Name FROM Users
Where Users.UserID = Forms![Enter here Form1 Name]![combo1]
Or, you can pass a value to form 1 using the OpenArgs, and on the OnLoad
event of form 2 you can assign the RowSource to the combo together with the

DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , , , , Me.Combo1

On the Load event of form 2 write

Me.ud.RowSource = "SELECT Users.UserID, [LastName] & " , " & [FirstName] AS
Name FROM Users Where Users.UserID = " & Me.openArgs

If I answered your question, please mark it as an answer. That way, it will
stay saved for a longer time, so other can benifit from it.

Good luck

ldiaz said:
Hi , could you please tell what do I need to do?
or how it need to go?

Ofer said:
I don't understand, are you trying to filter the combo in form 2 according to
the selection in combo1?

The filter you applying in the Open form command line is for the form and
not for the combo.
If I answered your question, please mark it as an answer. That way, it will
stay saved for a longer time, so other can benifit from it.

Good luck


Hi all.
I think it's pretty easy but I don't know why it does not work with me..I
have made this question before but the answer it does not work.

I want tu pull a data from a first Form to sencond form.
the field in both first & second form are: Combobox
Combo name in first form is:combo1
Combo name in second form is:ud

source of Combo1:
SELECT Users.UserID, [LastName] & " , " & [FirstName] AS Name,
Users.Password, Users.OrderPerson, Users.ApproverPerson,
Users.ReceiverPerson, Users.AdminPerson, Users.Active FROM Users WHERE
(((Users.Active)=Yes)) Or (((Users.Active)=Yes)) ORDER BY Users.Password;

source of ud:
SELECT Users.UserID, [LastName] & " , " & [FirstName] AS Name FROM Users;

Here is the statements that I have but it does not work, could you help me

(e-mail address removed)

Private Sub OpenOrders_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_OpenOrders_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "Orders" 'Data Base name

stLinkCriteria = "[ud]=" & Me![Combo1].Column(1)

DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description

Resume Exit_OpenOrders_Click

End Sub


Thanks question was answered by myself .


ldiaz said:
Hi Ofer..
first Option work fine,,thank you so much, just I have peding how put the
value as default because when I open the second form , the ud is in Blank but
with the data in filter but I need to select it .


Ofer said:
You didn't answer my question if its a filter for the combo.

If you want to filter the combo in form 2 while form 1 still open, you can
assign a filter directly to the combo refering to the field in form 1

SELECT Users.UserID, [LastName] & " , " & [FirstName] AS Name FROM Users
Where Users.UserID = Forms![Enter here Form1 Name]![combo1]
Or, you can pass a value to form 1 using the OpenArgs, and on the OnLoad
event of form 2 you can assign the RowSource to the combo together with the

DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , , , , Me.Combo1

On the Load event of form 2 write

Me.ud.RowSource = "SELECT Users.UserID, [LastName] & " , " & [FirstName] AS
Name FROM Users Where Users.UserID = " & Me.openArgs

If I answered your question, please mark it as an answer. That way, it will
stay saved for a longer time, so other can benifit from it.

Good luck

ldiaz said:
Hi , could you please tell what do I need to do?
or how it need to go?


I don't understand, are you trying to filter the combo in form 2 according to
the selection in combo1?

The filter you applying in the Open form command line is for the form and
not for the combo.
If I answered your question, please mark it as an answer. That way, it will
stay saved for a longer time, so other can benifit from it.

Good luck


Hi all.
I think it's pretty easy but I don't know why it does not work with me..I
have made this question before but the answer it does not work.

I want tu pull a data from a first Form to sencond form.
the field in both first & second form are: Combobox
Combo name in first form is:combo1
Combo name in second form is:ud

source of Combo1:
SELECT Users.UserID, [LastName] & " , " & [FirstName] AS Name,
Users.Password, Users.OrderPerson, Users.ApproverPerson,
Users.ReceiverPerson, Users.AdminPerson, Users.Active FROM Users WHERE
(((Users.Active)=Yes)) Or (((Users.Active)=Yes)) ORDER BY Users.Password;

source of ud:
SELECT Users.UserID, [LastName] & " , " & [FirstName] AS Name FROM Users;

Here is the statements that I have but it does not work, could you help me

(e-mail address removed)

Private Sub OpenOrders_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_OpenOrders_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "Orders" 'Data Base name

stLinkCriteria = "[ud]=" & Me![Combo1].Column(1)

DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description

Resume Exit_OpenOrders_Click

End Sub

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