Combo Select Records on Form: Doesn't restrict results



I'm new to Access and this is the last thing I have to do before I complete
my first database!

I've got a form that allows data entry for documents in categories and sub
categories in this hierarchy:


There is "cboSubcategory" that looks up "tblSubcategory.txtSubcategory" and
enters it in the record. It selects as normal and works OK.

There is a second cbo on the form that I want to use to limit/filter
searches through records by Subcategory, "cboFilterSubcategory" - i use the
"Find a record on this form etc" wizard to create "cboFilterSubcategory"
using "cboSubcategory" as the source. There are multiple records within
"cboSubcategory" and so "cboFilterSubcategory" returns multiple instances of
the Subcategory in its list - not surprisingly because there are multiple
records in the database. When I select one of them it just jumps to
corresponding record, rather than limiting the displayed records to just that

So really I have two problems:

1. Showing a cbo with all my Subcategories just once
2. Making this selection limit the navigable records

I have already tried with a query that selects all Subcategories as the
source, but it returned an empty combo even though the query itself runs as
I have tried using SELECT DISTINCT on the After Update to limit the multiple
instances of the Subcategories, but it hasn't done anything (?). Man, I'm

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