Combo/Textbox requery

  • Thread starter Geezer via
  • Start date

Geezer via

This should be simple, but I can't find an answer in previous threads.

I have a form [Select a Patient] with a combobox [Combo10] from which a
patient record is selected. [Combo10] gets it's information from a query to
display names and the patient [ID]. [ID] is the bound column. There are a
number of command buttons that when clicked go to forms bound to specific
tables with various information related to the selected patient.
(Demographic info, history, diet, etc.) I have the AfterUpdate event of
[Combo10] coded to make the command buttons visible or not depending on
whether the selected ID in [Combo10] exists in the various "linked tables"
using DLookup as such:

In [Text66] the Control Source is

=NZ(DLookUp("[ID]","Aspirations_Family_History","[ID] = " & [Forms]![Select a

[Combo10]s AfterUpdate in this case looks at [Text66] and if the value is "-
1" then the command button for [Aspirations_Family_History_Add] form is
visible, but if the value of [Text66] is not "-1" then the command button for
[Aspirations_Family_History_Edit] form becomes visible. This all works fine.
If the Add form command button is visible and clicked a simple Add form opens,
in Dialog Mode, into which only the [ID] is entered so it is added to the
underlying table.

The problem is when I close the [Aspirations_Family_History_Add] form, from
Dialog Mode, I want the Add command button to become invisible and the Edit
command button to become visible, since the ID is now in the
[Aspirations_Family_History] table. (I have verified that the ID is being
added to the table.)

I've tried requerying [Combo10] and [Text66] but that apparently doesn't fire
the AfterUpdate event for [Combo10]. I've tried requerying the entire
[Select a Patient] form, no luck. Any suggestions how I can accomplish my
goal of closing the form [Aspirations_Family_History_Add] thus returning to
[Select a Patient] form and having the command button related to editing
become visible, based on [Text66]s DLookup Control Source returning a non "-
1" for the newly entered record in the [Aspirations_Family_History] table?

I hope this makes sense and thanks ahead of time for any help.

Jeff Boyce

One approach might be to put a spot of code in the OnClose event of the
opened-form. That code would explicitly point to the [Select a Patient]
form and set the control's visible property. You can explicitly point to a
control on another form using something like:
Forms![Select a Patient]![Aspirations_Family_History_Add].Visible = True
This is untested aircode, though, and you might have to first set the focus
to the form...


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Microsoft IT Academy Program Mentor

Microsoft Registered Partner

Geezer via said:
This should be simple, but I can't find an answer in previous threads.

I have a form [Select a Patient] with a combobox [Combo10] from which a
patient record is selected. [Combo10] gets it's information from a query to
display names and the patient [ID]. [ID] is the bound column. There are a
number of command buttons that when clicked go to forms bound to specific
tables with various information related to the selected patient.
(Demographic info, history, diet, etc.) I have the AfterUpdate event of
[Combo10] coded to make the command buttons visible or not depending on
whether the selected ID in [Combo10] exists in the various "linked tables"
using DLookup as such:

In [Text66] the Control Source is

=NZ(DLookUp("[ID]","Aspirations_Family_History","[ID] = " & [Forms]![Select a

[Combo10]s AfterUpdate in this case looks at [Text66] and if the value is "-
1" then the command button for [Aspirations_Family_History_Add] form is
visible, but if the value of [Text66] is not "-1" then the command button for
[Aspirations_Family_History_Edit] form becomes visible. This all works fine.
If the Add form command button is visible and clicked a simple Add form opens,
in Dialog Mode, into which only the [ID] is entered so it is added to the
underlying table.

The problem is when I close the [Aspirations_Family_History_Add] form, from
Dialog Mode, I want the Add command button to become invisible and the Edit
command button to become visible, since the ID is now in the
[Aspirations_Family_History] table. (I have verified that the ID is being
added to the table.)

I've tried requerying [Combo10] and [Text66] but that apparently doesn't fire
the AfterUpdate event for [Combo10]. I've tried requerying the entire
[Select a Patient] form, no luck. Any suggestions how I can accomplish my
goal of closing the form [Aspirations_Family_History_Add] thus returning to
[Select a Patient] form and having the command button related to editing
become visible, based on [Text66]s DLookup Control Source returning a non "-
1" for the newly entered record in the [Aspirations_Family_History] table?

I hope this makes sense and thanks ahead of time for any help.

Geezer via

Thanks Jeff. Trying just to set visibility did not work, but setting
visibility and then setting focus to the button did. This board is a life
saver! Thanks for your help.

Jeff said:
One approach might be to put a spot of code in the OnClose event of the
opened-form. That code would explicitly point to the [Select a Patient]
form and set the control's visible property. You can explicitly point to a
control on another form using something like:
Forms![Select a Patient]![Aspirations_Family_History_Add].Visible = True
This is untested aircode, though, and you might have to first set the focus
to the form...
This should be simple, but I can't find an answer in previous threads.
[quoted text clipped - 36 lines]
I hope this makes sense and thanks ahead of time for any help.

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