i have a combobox in my form which has to be filled with the data of a txt
this is in my program code in the userform initialize sub
Dim i As Integer
Dim arrCombobox
i = FreeFile
Open c:\data\contents.txt For Input As #i
'store contents in array
arrCombobox = Split(Input(LOF(i), i), vbCrLf)
Close #i
'transfer array to list property of combo
Me.cmbCombobox1.List = arrCombobox
at home this works fine in MS Word XP
problem is that at work i am running MS Word 97,
everytime i try to start, i get an error on the Split command,
someone knows an answer
thanks, Schorrie
i have a combobox in my form which has to be filled with the data of a txt
this is in my program code in the userform initialize sub
Dim i As Integer
Dim arrCombobox
i = FreeFile
Open c:\data\contents.txt For Input As #i
'store contents in array
arrCombobox = Split(Input(LOF(i), i), vbCrLf)
Close #i
'transfer array to list property of combo
Me.cmbCombobox1.List = arrCombobox
at home this works fine in MS Word XP
problem is that at work i am running MS Word 97,
everytime i try to start, i get an error on the Split command,
someone knows an answer
thanks, Schorrie