have a button on a form (that opens a new form) to add a new shipper.
When the user clicks on the (close form) button, the following code
My problem is that all textboxes are populated INLCUDING THE combobox,
however, the data in the combobox is not visible.
The reason I am using OpenArgs is that I am using one table (with an
alias) to use it for My Shipper and Consignee. Here is the code that is
supposed to populate the combobox. When I use the debugger, it works
fine and shows the correct ShprId number. I have tried a refresh, but
to no avail.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
On Error GoTo Err_Command31_Click
If Me.OpenArgs = "ShprId" Then
Forms!frmNewPickup!ShprId = Form_FrmShippers.ShprConsID
ElseIf Me.OpenArgs = "ConsId" Then
Forms!frmNewPickup!ConsId = Form_FrmShippers.ShprConsID
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command31_Click
When the user clicks on the (close form) button, the following code
My problem is that all textboxes are populated INLCUDING THE combobox,
however, the data in the combobox is not visible.
The reason I am using OpenArgs is that I am using one table (with an
alias) to use it for My Shipper and Consignee. Here is the code that is
supposed to populate the combobox. When I use the debugger, it works
fine and shows the correct ShprId number. I have tried a refresh, but
to no avail.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
On Error GoTo Err_Command31_Click
If Me.OpenArgs = "ShprId" Then
Forms!frmNewPickup!ShprId = Form_FrmShippers.ShprConsID
ElseIf Me.OpenArgs = "ConsId" Then
Forms!frmNewPickup!ConsId = Form_FrmShippers.ShprConsID
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command31_Click