ComboBox.RowSource Property: error '2176' The setting for this pro



Hello Everybody,

I have a question about this property. I am setting the value of this
property with the name of all the tables contained in the TableDef
Collection. That is, a list value is created:
Dim fields As String: fields = ""
Dim tables As Collection
Set tables = DAOUtils.ListTables(TSourceDb)
fields = MiscUtils.CreateListFields(tables)
Set tables = Nothing
CCSourceTable.RowSourceType = "Value List"
CCSourceTable.RowSource = fields
It seems to be such a big number of tables, at least 178 items and it raises
the error 2176. But I have other ComboBoxes that are using queries with a lot
of elements (more than 178) and no error raises.

Could anybody tell me why??

Thanks in advance,


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