


I'm using Visio 2003 as of recently. My experiance is mostly with Excel. In
Excel when I wanted to insert ComboBox on my spreadsheet I would set a list
of values for that ComboBox in the column on spreadsheet and point in
Properties - ListFillRange from A1:A3 and that would be it.
How I do that in Visio? First of all in Properties I don't even have
ListFillRange and I just don't know how to link values to ComboBox. I hope
it's not too complicated...


I'm not wizkid so I would appreciate more or less step by step explanation.

Al Edlund

combobox's in visio are under vba control so you would edit them with the
visual basic editor. The help facility, once you open the vb editor, has
many examples on how to create and fill the basic controls.


Ok. This is what I found and it should, apparently work, but for some reason
it doesn't:

Sub Combo_Box 1()
With ComboBox1
..AddItem "acquisition"
..AddItem "in house"
..AddItem "independent"
End With
End Sub

Even when I try with .AddItem ([acquisition]) it still doesn't work. Even if
I DIM variable it still doesn't work.

Once upon a time I was working with GW basic and life was so beautiful... :(

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