comboboxes, userforms and class modules



I have been reading through the forum history on these topics, and am
beginning to understand how to use a class module to trap events on a
userform, but as a pretty raw beginner i am sure there is a lot i am
missing. so i hope someone can help me.

I have multiple userforms, with multiple comboboxes (between 9 and 33,
i think but the specific number shouldn't matter). each userform also
has a single textbox, and a single commandbutton. without getting into
specifics, the textbox shows the total price of all the selections from
the comboboxes, and the commandbutton writes a receipt of all the

so right now i have a procedure called recalc, which takes one
argument, which is the userform itself. the code in recalc look likes

Public Sub recalc(ByVal MyUserForm As Object)
Dim customerprice As Integer
Dim ctl As Control

MyUserForm.TextBox1.Value = 0
customerprice = 0
For Each ctl In MyUserForm.Controls
If TypeName(ctl) = "ComboBox" Then
customerprice = customerprice + Price(ctl.Tag, (2 +
End If
Next ctl
MyUserForm.TextBox1.Value = Round((1.05 * customerprice), 0)
End Sub

and my code for each "change" event in the comboboxes looks like this:

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
Call recalc(Me)
End Sub

what i want to do in the class module is something like this:

Option Explicit

Public WithEvents mCBGroup As msforms.ComboBox

Private Sub mCBGroup_Change()
Call recalc(Me)
End Sub

but i understand that the (Me) is not working, because that will only
work from the "userform" code module itself. so after all that, the
question is how to write the code in the class module so that after the
event procedure ALL the comboboxes are grabbed, not just the one that

I guess i also understand that there may be a more efficient way to
write this code, then looping through all of the comboboxes every time.
That worked for me, because it allowed the user to change her mind
midstream and change a previous selection.

Any and all suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Peter T

Assuming your control is not in a frame, to refer to the form try .Parent
Public WithEvents mCBGroup As msforms.ComboBox

Private Sub mCBGroup_Change()
Call recalc(Me)
End Sub

Private Sub mCBGroup_Change()
Call recalc(mCBGroup.Parent)
End Sub

However, you could probably update directly in the class change event.
Assuming you have a Public reference to your class's in a normal module as
an array named clsCombos()

Private Sub mCBGroup_Change()
Dim customerprice As Integer
dim i as long

For i = lbound(clsCombos) to ubound(clsCombos)
With clsCombos(i).mCBGroup
customerprice = customerprice + Price(Tag, (2 + .ListIndex)
end with
mCBGroup.Parent.TextBox1.Value = Round((1.05 * customerprice), 0)
End Sub

I havn't tested this and expect something wrong, but hope you get the idea.

If the array is public in the Userform then refer to it as
With mCBGroup.Parent.clsCombos(i).mCBGroup

Peter T


thanks for this help. How would it be different if my comboboxes are
in frames? do comboboxes automatically become the children of frames,
just by drawing them that way in design mode? also, can you tell me
what the array declaration would look like?

dim clsCombos(34) as combobox?

Peter T

thanks for this help. How would it be different if my comboboxes are
in frames? do comboboxes automatically become the children of frames,
just by drawing them that way in design mode?

A control can be "in" a frame or merely physically over it. To put a control
"in" a frame, frist select the frame then add the control. It's parent is
then the frame, grandparent the form.

So, to refer to the form of a control in a frame

Some reasons to use frames - presentation, grouping sets of OptionButtons
(one can be true in each set), to process "each" control in Frame1
also, can you tell me
what the array declaration would look like?

dim clsCombos(34) as combobox?

Public clsCombos(0 to 34) as Class1 ' zero bound by default, 0-33 ?

in say the form's initialize or acitvate event

i = 0
set ctrl = Me.myFirstCombo
Set clsCombos(i) = New Class1
Set clsCombos(i) .cmbo = ctrl
i + i + 1

normally in some sort of loop where ctrl is set to the next combobox to add
to the array

If you have addded your combos sequentially at design time, and know their
index numbers, simply loop by index number. Eg you have added 10 controls
(index of the first is 0) and then added 35 combos

n = 0
for i = 10 to 44
Set clsCombos(n) = New Class1
Set clsCombos(n) .cmbo = me.controls(i)
n = n + 1

At the top of Class1
Public WithEvents cmbo As MSForms.ComboBox

add events from the top right dropdown (you may need to select "cmbo" in the
middle dropdown first)

Peter T

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