


Okay, I've been working on this one goal for about 4 days
and cannot get it.

1) I have created a combobox1 on form2. Combobox1 values
are received from a table1. Now, when I click on a value
in combobox1, I'd like for it to link to combobox2. And
for combobox2, I'd like for it to only display the records
that is relevant to the value of combobox1. However, my
codes are not working:

1a) the AFterupdate event I've created in combobox1
says "combo2.requery" but that does not work. My error
is "macro is not recognized".

Please help!

2) When I click on combobox2, i'd like for it to take me
to my form1. my form1 was created using the wizard so it
has all the parameters from my table1, and I can changed
which record I want to see. Now, whichever value I click
on in combobox2, I'd like for form1 to appear with that
specific record that is relavant to the value of
combobox2. How do I do this? My codes too are not

In the rowsource part of combobox2, it says:
SELECT [tbl1].[Field2] FROM tbl1 WHERE Field1=[Forms]!
[Name of Current Form].Value ORDER BY [tbl1].[2];

However, this does no work. I have to input manually teh
value from combobox1, when I just really want the values
to link. In addition, my afterupdate code in combobox2,
is not working. I shows the form, but not hte record.

Please help! I really need to knwo this asap.

I have Access2000.

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