I have created a lot of combo's based on my tables. Is this the correct way
to do it, or should I base them on a query that is based on a table.
All the combo's are set to be invisible except for the first one. Depending
on what is chosen, I wish to make others appear. Is it just a case of
setting the visible flag to true when this item is chosen from the
afterupdate of the combos'
To have all the combo's invisible at the start of a new record, I use the
OnCurrent event, and set all the visible flags to false, but when I return
to a previous record, this makes my previously used combo's invisible as
well. How do I keep all the combo's used visible, but those that are not
used need to remain invisible.
hope you can help (and understand what I'm on about)
to do it, or should I base them on a query that is based on a table.
All the combo's are set to be invisible except for the first one. Depending
on what is chosen, I wish to make others appear. Is it just a case of
setting the visible flag to true when this item is chosen from the
afterupdate of the combos'
To have all the combo's invisible at the start of a new record, I use the
OnCurrent event, and set all the visible flags to false, but when I return
to a previous record, this makes my previously used combo's invisible as
well. How do I keep all the combo's used visible, but those that are not
used need to remain invisible.
hope you can help (and understand what I'm on about)