Combp boxes linking to subforms


Andrew Chapman

I have 4 hierarchical tables connected by unique keys:
1. Publisher Publisher_ID
2. Title Publisher_ID & Title_ID
3. Version Title_ID & Version_ID
4. License Version_ID & License_ID

I have a data entry form based on the Publisher table with
three combo boxes, also hierarchical and corresponding to
1, 2 and 3 above. The form also contains a subform for
License. The combo boxes work as I want, with the
selections in the lower order combo boxes restricted
depending upon what options have been chosen (or added) in
the combo boxes above. My problem is that I cannot get the
subform (Licenses, the 4th level) to bring up the correct
entry when the 3rd and last combo box is used (Version).
Can anyone suggest what I should add to the 'On Update'
property of the 3rd combo box to control what appears in
the 4th level subform?

I'm quite puzzled!


You may need to implicitly save you record after the
Version combo is updated for the sub form to update and
the sub form should be linked to the Version Primary key
to the License Foreign Key.

Another way to handle this si not not use Master and Child
linking but use a criteria on the subforms Record Souce
property. You can then requery your subform on the combo
after update event.

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