Comfirming deletions in Junk Mail folder



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: Exchange

I find that in Entourage 2008, when I attempt to delete email from my Exchange Junk mail folder, it requests confirmation. If I attempt to delete email from the main Inbox folder, it does not request confirmation. I have not turned off the option to ask for delete confirmation, but I would like the Junk mail folder to act like the Inbox folder -- that is, if I delete a message, it moves to the deleted Items folder, without confirmation. For some reason, this extra confirmation really bugs me, and I'd like to bypass it. Any suggestions? -- Ken

Diane Ross

I find that in Entourage 2008, when I attempt to delete email from my Exchange
Junk mail folder, it requests confirmation. If I attempt to delete email from
the main Inbox folder, it does not request confirmation. I have not turned off
the option to ask for delete confirmation, but I would like the Junk mail
folder to act like the Inbox folder -- that is, if I delete a message, it
moves to the deleted Items folder, without confirmation. For some reason, this
extra confirmation really bugs me, and I'd like to bypass it. Any suggestions?
-- Ken

Use the AppleScript "Nuke Messages" with a shortcut instead.

Nuke Messages:



Although I appreciate the suggestion, I bounce back and forth between Mac and PC all day, using Outlook on one and Entourage on the other. I was just hoping for a way to simply press Delete and have the junk mail gone, because if I have to stop and think about it, and run a script, it will actually be even MORE irritating than the current situation.

What I don't get is why I can delete messages in the Inbox by pressing Delete, and there's no confirmation. Yet JUNK mail, which I'm more likely to not care about, prompts me for confirmation. This just seems like a bug, to me. Or a setting that I have set wrong. -- Ken

Diane Ross

Although I appreciate the suggestion, I bounce back and forth between Mac and
PC all day, using Outlook on one and Entourage on the other. I was just hoping
for a way to simply press Delete and have the junk mail gone, because if I
have to stop and think about it, and run a script, it will actually be even
MORE irritating than the current situation.

How difficult is it to use command-option-D? It becomes second nature. If
you have selected to delete emails from the server when deleted from
Entourage in your Account settings, this saves you from downloading to
another computer.
What I don't get is why I can delete messages in the Inbox by pressing Delete,
and there's no confirmation. Yet JUNK mail, which I'm more likely to not care
about, prompts me for confirmation. This just seems like a bug, to me. Or a
setting that I have set wrong. -- Ken

Messages deleted from the Inbox go to the deleted items folder. Junk mail is
nuked when deleted. There is no recovery so thus the confirmation for


I guess that makes sense. Sure wish there was a built-in way to override the behavior, but I'll go with your suggestion for now. Thanks -- Ken


Well, although I can't explain it, today, this behavior stopped. I just deleted a message from the Junk mail folder by pressing Delete, and there was no confirmation. As far as I know, I didn't change anything. So something did change in Entourage, and then changed back without my knowledge. In any case, I'm pretty sure it USED to work this way (no confirmation) and the confirmation just started recently. Now things seem to work. I do wish I knew what caused this, so I could deterministically turn it off next time it started, but for now, it works as I would like. WHo knows??? - Ken

Diane Ross

Well, although I can't explain it, today, this behavior stopped.

There is a preference in Notifications that will let you deselect "require
confirmation when deleting." I had forgotten about that option. I don't like
it because it's a blanket setting.

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