Command button error




I get the following error when i execute this code

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim Rng As Range
Dim Rng2 As Range

Set Rng = Worksheets("Cert_Path_module").Range("Module_2") '<<===

On Error Resume Next
Set Rng2 = Rng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks)
On Error GoTo 0

If Not Rng2 Is Nothing Then
MsgBox Prompt:="All of the fields " _
& "Module 2 information" _
& " should be filled.", _
Buttons:=vbInformation, _
Title:="Missing Data"
Rng2.Cells(1).Select <===============Error msg "Run-time
error '1004' Application-defined or object-defined error"
Exit Sub

End If


End Sub

What modifications should me made in this code??



Can you explain what you want. cells(1) isn't needed. You can do just

Rng2.Select - select entire range


Cells(Rng2.Row, Rng2.Column).Select - select first cell of Rng2

Dave Peterson

If that commandbutton isn't on the Cert_Path_module worksheet, then you're going
to have some trouble.

You can only select a range on a worksheet that's active.

You can change it this way:
'select the sheet
'select the range

application.goto Rng2.Cells(1), scroll:=true


Can you explain what you want. cells(1) isn't needed. You can do just

Rng2.Select - select entire range


Cells(Rng2.Row, Rng2.Column).Select - select first cell of Rng2

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Hi Joel,

Hi Joel,

This is my form design:-

I have a worksheet (Cert_Path_module), in which I have a field "No of
Modules". This field takes values from 1 to 5 in a drop down (Data ->
Validation). This field totally depends on entries by end user. They
can have any no. of modules max up to 5.

For e.g. if a user selects 2 from the drop down a set of rows get
unhidden and the user fills up details for 2 modules. For each of the
module info (1to5) I have a link to enter more info regarding the
module. On clicking this link it takes the user to "Learning Item1 so
on till Learning Item 5" (Seperate work sheet names) this depends on
which module user is in.

In each of the Learning Item worksheet (1to5) I have a continue button
in each sheet. Now the code should not take them to Work Sheet
"Cert_Details" (which is the next sheet to be displayed) unless all
the details are provided.

And on clicking this button I want a msg box to appear asking user to
fill module no 2
Information(only if user has not filled) and activate "Module_2" cell
in Cert_Path_module worksheet. If user has filled in all details in
module 2 page then it should take the user to Cert_Details work

Note: Modules 1 to 5 depends on users. If user selects 2 then only
info for 2 modules has to be entered. (I have code for this).

Sorry for dragging this long. I hope you have understood. Thanks for
your help



Hi Joel,

Hi Joel,

This is my form design:-

I have a worksheet (Cert_Path_module), in which I have a field "No of
Modules". This field takes values from 1 to 5 in a drop down (Data ->
Validation). This field totally depends on entries by end user. They
can have any no. of modules max up to 5.

For e.g. if a user selects 2 from the drop down a set of rows get
unhidden and the user fills up details for 2 modules. For each of the
module info (1to5) I have a link to enter more info regarding the
module. On clicking this link it takes the user to "Learning Item1 so
on till Learning Item 5" (Seperate work sheet names) this depends on
which module user is in.

In each of the Learning Item worksheet (1to5) I have a continue button
in each sheet. Now the code should not take them to Work Sheet
"Cert_Details" (which is the next sheet to be displayed) unless all
the details are provided.

And on clicking this button I want a msg box to appear asking user to
fill module no 2
Information(only if user has not filled) and activate "Module_2" cell
in Cert_Path_module worksheet. If user has filled in all details in
module 2 page then it should take the user to Cert_Details work

Note: Modules 1 to 5 depends on users. If user selects 2 then only
info for 2 modules has to be entered. (I have code for this).

Sorry for dragging this long. I hope you have understood. Thanks for
your help

SRC- Hide quoted text -

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Hi Dave,

Your code modification works fine but, even if the cell "Module_2" is
not blank its not proceeding to next page. The msgbox pops up and
activates Module_2 cell. This should not be the case. If I have value
in module_2 cell i do not want the msgbox to pop up and activate
module_2 on clicking OK in the msgbx, i want it to display
"Cert_Details" worksheet.

Thanks for your help.

Dave Peterson

If you replaced your line of code that did the select with one of those
suggestions, I don't see how it could be going to that range.

Maybe you put the line of code in the wrong spot????

If you can't get it working, try posting your current code. And include the
name of the worksheet that owns the code, too. It'll make it less ambiguous (to
me anyway).

And add


If you replaced your line of code that did the select with one of those
suggestions, I don't see how it could be going to that range.

Maybe you put the line of code in the wrong spot????

If you can't get it working, try posting your current code. And include the
name of the worksheet that owns the code, too. It'll make it less ambiguous (to
me anyway).

And add


Dave Peterson- Hide quoted text -

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Hi Dave,

I know it is very ambiguous.

this is the code i have:-

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim Rng As Range
Dim Rng2 As Range

Set Rng = Worksheets("Cert_Path_module").Range("Module_2") '<<===

On Error Resume Next
Set Rng2 = Rng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks)
On Error GoTo 0

If Not Rng2 Is Nothing Then
MsgBox Prompt:="All of the fields " _
& "Module 2 information" _
& " should be filled.", _
Buttons:=vbInformation, _
Title:="Missing Data"
Rng2.Cells(24, 5).Select <===============Error msg "Run-time
error '1004' Application-defined or object-defined error"
Exit Sub

End If


End Sub

Dave Peterson

You didn't paste your new code--you pasted the original code.

And I didn't see where you shared the name of the worksheet that held the code.

Did you try the earlier suggestion?


You didn't paste your new code--you pasted the original code.

And I didn't see where you shared the name of the worksheet that held the code.

Did you try the earlier suggestion?


Dave Peterson- Hide quoted text -

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Hi Dave

This my code :

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim Rng As Range
Dim Rng2 As Range

Set Rng = Worksheets("Cert_Path_module").Range("Module_2") '<<===

On Error Resume Next
Set Rng2 = Rng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks)

On Error GoTo 0

If Not Rng2 Is Nothing Then
MsgBox Prompt:="All the fields " _
& "for Module 2 information" _
& " should be filled.", _
Buttons:=vbInformation, _
Title:="Missing Data"
' Rng2.Worksheets ("Cert_Path_module")
Application.Goto Rng2.Cells(24, 5), Scroll:=False


End If
End Sub

This code is almost as how I want it to work but not quiet. Now if
there is a value in Module_2 cell the msg box should not come it
should take the learner to the next page "Cert_Details".

Thanks a lot for your help

Dave Peterson

I'm confused about how big the Module_2 range is.

Is it one cell and you want it filled?
Or is it multiple cells and you want all the cells filled?
Or is it multiple cells and you want at least one cell filled?

If all the cells (no matter how many--one cell or lots of cells) have to be

if rng.cells.count = application.counta(rng) then
'all filled in
'at least one empty cell
end if

If at least one cell has to be filled in:

if application.counta(rng) > 0 then
'at least one filled in
'all are empty
end if


I'm confused about how big the Module_2 range is.

Is it one cell and you want it filled?
Or is it multiple cells and you want all the cells filled?
Or is it multiple cells and you want at least one cell filled?

If all the cells (no matter how many--one cell or lots of cells) have to be

if rng.cells.count = application.counta(rng) then
'all filled in
'at least one empty cell
end if

If at least one cell has to be filled in:

if application.counta(rng) > 0 then
'at least one filled in
'all are empty
end if


Dave Peterson- Hide quoted text -

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Hi Dave,

Hope this helps..

Module_2 is just a single cell. And it is in worksheet
"Cert_Path_module". This needs to be filled. If it is filled then on
clicking the command button next screen i.e "Cert_Details" should be
displayed. If its not filled, a Msg box should appear asking user to
fill it and on clicking ok Module_2 Cell should be activated. The
command button is in a worksheet called "LI".

Thanks & Regards

Dave Peterson

You can also use:

if isempty(worksheets("Cert_Path_module").range("module_2).value) then
'do what you want if the cell is empty
'do what you want if the cell is filled in
end if

If that doesn't help, post what you tried.

Ram wrote:


You can also use:

if isempty(worksheets("Cert_Path_module").range("module_2).value) then
'do what you want if the cell is empty
'do what you want if the cell is filled in
end if

If that doesn't help, post what you tried.

Ram wrote:


Hi Dave,

This is the code i have now.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
If IsEmpty(Worksheets("Cert_Path_module").Range("module_2").Value)
MsgBox Prompt:="All the fields " _
& "for Module 2 information" _
& " should be filled.", _
Buttons:=vbInformation, _
Title:="Missing Data"
End If
End Sub

The code is working fine a msg box is displayed if Module_2 is blank,
and does not appear if Module_2 has a value.

However when i leave Module_2 blank, and when i click on "OK" in the
msg box that appears as per the code, I get " Run - time error
Application-defined or object defined error.

And when i fill a value in Module_2 i directly get the above error.

This means the system is unable to execute
and Worksheets("Cert_Details").Range("LPP1").Select

where am i going wrong here?

Thanks a lot for your help.


Dave Peterson

This line is the problem:

You can only select a range on a worksheet that's active.

One way to fix it is:
application.goto Worksheets("Cert_Details").Range("LPP1"), scroll:=true

another way is to select the sheet, then select the range:

with Worksheets("Cert_Details")
end with

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