Command Button Question



When I click on my command button on Main Menu it always opens Record No1,
can I have it open at first blank record (Add Record)

Thanks in advance.........Bob Vance


Sorry here is the code:
Private Sub cmdOwnerInfo_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmOwnerInfo"
End Sub


Rick I lost all my owners when I changed the code, did give me a blank form
but lost all the rest....Bob


Private Sub cbOwnerAll_AfterUpdate()
If cbOwnerAll.Text = "" Or IsNull(cbOwnerAll.Text) = True Then
Exit Sub
End If
*Yellow Line*DoCmd.FindRecord val(cbOwnerAll.value), , True, , True,
acAll, True
Me.Filter = "OwnerID=" & val(cbOwnerAll.value)
Me.FilterOn = True
Thanks Bob

Rick Brandt

Bob said:
Rick I lost all my owners when I changed the code, did give me a blank form
but lost all the rest....Bob

"Add" mode or "Data Entry" mode hides existing records so that the form opens
faster and is ready to enter NEW records. Sounded like that is what you wanted.
You can add code to the Open event instead...

DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRecordsGoToNew

Which will show all records but position you at the new record at the end of the
RecordSet, but that is not recommended if your table is large and being pulled
over a network.


Rick that "Add" mode is good just that my 2 drop down list to find a client
wont work

Private Sub cbOwnerAll_GotFocus()
End Sub

Private Sub cbOwner_AfterUpdate()
If cbOwner.Text = "" Or IsNull(cbOwner.Text) = True Then
Exit Sub
End If
DoCmd.FindRecord val(cbOwner.value), , True, , True, acAll, True
Me.Filter = "OwnerID=" & val(cbOwner.value)
Me.FilterOn = True

End Sub

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