Command button that prints current record in a report



I have been working on this for a while now. It seems really simple but for some reason the simplicity is eluding me. I keep getting a syntax error in the strFilter line. Here is the code, can anybody see anything wrong with it

Private Sub Command55_Click(
On Error GoTo Err_Command55_Clic

Dim strDocName As Strin
Dim strFilter As Strin

strDocName = "NonConformity Tag
strFilter = "Inspection_Records = Forms!Inspection Data Entry Form!Inspection_Records
DoCmd.OpenReport strDocName, acViewNormal, , strFilte

Exit Su

MsgBox Err.Descriptio
Resume Exit_Command55_Clic

End Su

I have checked and double checked the spelling for the form and table names
These are the names
Table = Inspection_Record
Form = Inspection Data Entry For
Report = NonConformity Ta



Your StrFilter is all in quotes. It is placing that strin as the filter.
You need something more like:
strFilter = "Inspection_Records =" & " '" &Forms!Inspection Data Entry
Form!Inspection_Records & "'"

this will get you:

Inspection_Records = 'SomeValue'

Chaz said:
I have been working on this for a while now. It seems really simple but
for some reason the simplicity is eluding me. I keep getting a syntax error
in the strFilter line. Here is the code, can anybody see anything wrong with

Ragnar Midtskogen

Hello Char,

Your filter string gives error because it is trying to select a records
Forms!Inspection Data Entry Form!Inspection_Records

The filter string needs to be:
strFilter = "Inspection_Records = " & Forms!Inspection Data Entry
Which will mean the string will evealuate to:
Inspection_Records = 234
wher 234 was the number contained in the Forms!Inspection Data Entry
Form!Inspection_Records control.
I am assuming that the contents of Forms!Inspection Data Entry
Form!Inspection_Records is a number. If it is a character string you need to
enclose the criteria string in single quotes, so the string will be:
strFilter = "Inspection_Records = '" & Forms!Inspection Data Entry
Form!Inspection_Records & "'"


Ragnar Midtskogen

Sorry about that, I didn't notice the space in the name of the form. When
form or field names contain spaces you need to ether enclose the name in []
or replace the space with an underscore character, like this

strFilter = "Inspection_Records = Forms![Inspection Data Entry

or this

strFilter = "Inspection_Records = Forms!Inspection_Data_Entry



Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. It now works. One of the other things I had wrong was that Inspection_records is a table. I had to add a autonumber field and make it the primary key and put that field in the place of inspection_records. That was the field that it was searching on for the record to print. But it all works now and even a week ahead of schedule. Again Thank you.

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