Command button unhides but not hides


Wanna Learn

Hello I have command button . what I want to do is; hide or unhide the
If I select the button it should unhide the sheet, but if I select the
button again to hide the sheet
Below is my code
the first 2 rows by themselves unhide the sheet but
When I added the last 2 rows the code it does not work.
Thanks in advance

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Sheets("2008 Complete").Visible = True
Sheets("2008 Complete").Select
Sheets("2008 Complete").Visible = False
End Sub

Jim Thomlinson

You can do it with just this one line of code. This will toggle the
visibility back and forth with subsequent clicks...

Sheets("2008 Complete").Visible = Not Sheets("2008 Complete").Visible

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