Command buttons don't work in subforms




Thanks in advance for your help! My department asked me to go in and do
some modifications and some updates on our database. Basically what I have
done is put the Client form, Attendant form and the Association form into one
form with control tabs. This form is called "Frm - The One Stop Shop" form.
The command buttons I've added to these individuals forms works great, but
when I placed these individual forms as subforms into "The One Stop form"
with the control tabs, the command buttons want me to enter the parameters.
A query generates the info for the command buttons. I've edited the query to
to take in account for the subforms, but maybe I'm missing something.
Example: [Forms]![One Stop Shop Form]![Tabclt 1]![Attendant Form].[Emp ID].
The command button is suppose to pull the "Emp ID" number from the attendant
form and place it in the query. As I mentioned the command button pulls the
"Emp ID" number into the query just fine when the each form is a stand a lone.

Any help with this problem would be greatly appreciated!!


ruralguy via

The Tab control does not affect the syntax.
[Forms]![One Stop Shop Form]![Attendant Form].FORM![Emp ID].

It is really much better if you do not use embedded spaces in your names.
Use CamelFon instead:

Here's a link for your favorites:
Refer to Form and Subform properties and controls

Thanks in advance for your help! My department asked me to go in and do
some modifications and some updates on our database. Basically what I have
done is put the Client form, Attendant form and the Association form into one
form with control tabs. This form is called "Frm - The One Stop Shop" form.
The command buttons I've added to these individuals forms works great, but
when I placed these individual forms as subforms into "The One Stop form"
with the control tabs, the command buttons want me to enter the parameters.
A query generates the info for the command buttons. I've edited the query to
to take in account for the subforms, but maybe I'm missing something.
Example: [Forms]![One Stop Shop Form]![Tabclt 1]![Attendant Form].[Emp ID].
The command button is suppose to pull the "Emp ID" number from the attendant
form and place it in the query. As I mentioned the command button pulls the
"Emp ID" number into the query just fine when the each form is a stand a lone.

Any help with this problem would be greatly appreciated!!


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