Hi Rob,
OK, I think I follow. What you're trying to do is force the graphics to
open in Word's Picture Editor, from the sound of it. The picture editor
can only "activate" for certain types of graphic formats - mostly just
*.wmf (Word's "native" graphics file format). All Drawing Object fall
into this category. And, once one is in the Picture Editor, other
graphics, as well as text, can be inserted and made part of the
While I know that much

, I don't know what would make the Picture
Editor available on one machine, and not on another. But you might try a
couple of things in the UI, to see if it's a problem with the VBA
interface, or a configuration problem on the machine:
1. From Tools/Customize/Commands, category: Drawing. Pull the "Word
Picture" entry onto a toolbar (I usually put it in the Drawing toolbar).
2. Click on it, and the picture editor should open. If this doesn't
work, then you know where to start investigating.
3. If that works, click "Close picture", delete the empty picture that
was generated.
4. Draw a shape (any Drawing object). Make sure it's selected, then
click the "Word picture" button. (This should be the stage you're at
when the macro code executes) Then right-click and choose "Open". you
should land in the Picture editor?
(Note: I'm doing this in Word 2003, but I think 2002 and 2003 are the
same, in this respect. Earlier versions differ somewhat, as I recall.)
5. Recording the "Open picture" step gives me this code:
Selection.InlineShapes(1).OLEFormat.DoVerb VerbIndex:=1
Further, I see:
Selection.InlineShapes(1).OLEFormat.ClassType =
Selection.InlineShapes(1).OLEFormat.ProgID =
1. Well if the picture is successfully activated, word will display it
as a seperate document. The original picture cannot be accessed until
the new window with only the picture embedded is closed. This new
document , named by word as "picture ....", can be processed (i.e.
iterating through the documents contents e.g. text boxes, triangle and
probably any other embedded pictures.)
2. it could be any graphic file format that word supports. in truth it
could be any number of formats. especially the wdInlineShapePicture
inlineshape type.
it is not an ole object either.
if we cannot activate these pictures at all on any machine then
problem solved,
but we can actually execute that command (inlineshape.activate )
successfully on certain destop machines with word xp 2002 sp2
installed. but this command fails everytime on server machines with
the same install of word. the only difference I can see is the word
install done for the server machine don't have outlook installed with
also these picture are not ole objects so I cannot get at their prodID
or ClassType either to go the activeas route as peter suggested.
we have microsoft word 2002 (10.5815.4219)sp-2 installed on both
destop and server machines.
pardon the encrypted description , let me know if you need anymore
i will append more once i discover anymore.
Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Sep 30 2003)
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