commenting SendTo and related functions



whenI SendTo or CopyTo or PrintTo ON, I often wish to have the material in
Unifiled Notes, continue working on whatever the source program is, and later
file and edit the material.
It would be helpful if I optionally could also add a little comment to these
items kept in ON - such comments as "related to project X" or "send this
discussion to Z" or "this contradicts what we were told by Z - check out with

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If I'm reading your note correctly, I think you can do this already. In the
menu "Tools", "options" you can tell OneNote to have the PrintTos, etc, go to

When you have this setting and then print to OneNote, OneNote first prints
out to the Unfiled Notes and then it also opens up the "unfiled" printout
note page. There, you can directly (and quickly) type something right over
top of the printout, or right above it, and if you tag the brief note, it
becomes part of your "todo" list. You can leave the printout in "unfiled" to
deal with later, and a quick Alt-Tab will bring you back to the application
you were using before.

Later you can go back to unfiled and deal with and file the printout and
note. You can also have OneNote list out all the tags that exist, so you can
easily see all the bits and pieces of reminders you left "around".

Hope this helps!

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