Comments / Freeze Panes



If a comment is made in cell A2 and then freeze panes has been applied, and
you move over to cell D2 the comment becomes hidden behind the rows. Is there
anyway the comment should show in front of the row?

Sean Timmons

This was written in response to a similar post on this group...
You could use the Data Validation "InPut Message".

However, it *only* displays when the cell is selected, and there's no cell
"indicator" to make one aware of its existance
Courtesy of Ragdyer...


CommentBoxes are related to the cell they are attached to....hide the cell
and you hide the CommentBox.....however, the same comments can be applied to
more than one cell, such as even to all the populated cells in a
row.........just do Copy > PasteSpecial > Comments..........

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3


What cell do you have the cursor in when you apply the FreezePanes?

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3


Perhaps you are referring to the fact that the CommentBox dissappears when
you move off the cell it's attached to....well, that's will
re-appear when you mouse back over that cell, or you can select that cell and
right-click and select ShowComment, and it will appear permanently......

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3


That's not my problem
When the comment is attached to A2 and row B, C, D are hidden because freeze
pane is applied, and what's on my screen now is Row A, E, F G and so on and I
move my cursor to cell A2 the comment will show behind row E. is there
anything i could do to bring it in front of row E???


With the columns B,C,D not hidden, and the CommentBox showing, then
Left-click on the CommentBox to activate it, then move the mouse cursor over
to the border of the CommentBox to where it changes shape, and then
Left-click there and drag the entire CommentBox over to column E or as far as
you wish.

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

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