Committed Resource(s) not Appearing under My Tasks



We have a a committed resource and thiis resource is assigned to a task. It
is a fixed duration task from 8/14/09 – 10/8/09. I am also a resource
assigned to this task and I cannot see it under My Tasks either. I just
tried publishing again, just in case, but still no luck.

Any suggestions?

Dale Howard [MVP]

MK --

Are you and the other resource able to see other tasks? Are you absolutely
certain both of you are set to Committed in the project? Click Tools -
Build Team from Enterprise and examine the Booking field in the list of team
members on the right. Is the Publish field set to Yes for the task in
question? Apply any task View, such as the Gantt Chart view, and then
insert the Publish field. Let us know the answers to these questions and we
will try to help.

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