Common routines to open many files by name



I've started this code but it does not open the file. Can you help? BkNme is
loaded in a different routine.

Sub Wrkbk_Open(BkNme)
Dim WorkBk As Workbook
Dim WrkBk As String
Dim BKPath As String
BKPath = "C:\Documents and Settings\Richard L. Harig\My
WrkBk = BKPath & BkNme
On Error Resume Next
Set WorkBk = Workbooks(WrkBk)
If WorkBk Is Nothing Then
On Error GoTo Err0pn
Workbooks.Open Filename:=WorkBk, UpdateLinks:=3

Dave Peterson

When you're using Workbooks(xxxx), you don't specify the folder.

WrkBk = BKPath & BkNme
On Error Resume Next
Set WorkBk = Workbooks(bknme)

You still open the file using the path, though.

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