Hangiman john
I am currently completing a degree in project management! At present I am
learning advanced functions on MS Project, however I am lacking, as you may
say 'field experience'.
As part of my module I need to study the uses of Macros and VBA in MS Project
My question is mainly aimed at experienced project managers who customise
Project to suit their needs.
Please could someone forward me some information i.e a list of different
types of common uses for Macros and VBA and what you have used them for in
your projects!
My aim here is to gain an understanding of what you can do to bespoke MS
Project to suit the needs of the PM and organisation.
This link may also prove beneficial to other project managers as a source of
ideas if sufficient responses are obtained!
Any help would be appreciated enormously!
learning advanced functions on MS Project, however I am lacking, as you may
say 'field experience'.
As part of my module I need to study the uses of Macros and VBA in MS Project
My question is mainly aimed at experienced project managers who customise
Project to suit their needs.
Please could someone forward me some information i.e a list of different
types of common uses for Macros and VBA and what you have used them for in
your projects!
My aim here is to gain an understanding of what you can do to bespoke MS
Project to suit the needs of the PM and organisation.
This link may also prove beneficial to other project managers as a source of
ideas if sufficient responses are obtained!
Any help would be appreciated enormously!