Compact and Repair without opening Database


W. Ray Lambert

Does anyone know the code to compact and repair a database
without opening it? I have a replicated database where
more than 100 copies are spread ove 5 states. all are
setup to compact on close, however 20 are not opened on a
regular bases since they are the full replicas most of the
partials are made from. I need to find a way to run
compact and repair much like replication manager runs
synchronization. Any ideas?


Rick B

If you have Access open, but no database, then you can select the Compact
and Repair option from the menu. It will pop up a dialog box and allow you
to find the dataabse you wish to compact/repair.

If the ones you are looking for are rarely opened,though, it seems they
would not need to be compacted or repaired.

Rick B

Does anyone know the code to compact and repair a database
without opening it? I have a replicated database where
more than 100 copies are spread ove 5 states. all are
setup to compact on close, however 20 are not opened on a
regular bases since they are the full replicas most of the
partials are made from. I need to find a way to run
compact and repair much like replication manager runs
synchronization. Any ideas?


Ray Lambert

Thanks. Wish that was the case, these databases are
synchronized every 4 hours so they are constantly in use
and synchronization does not compact and repair. So they
tend to double in size about every 2-4 days depending on
the user inspection cycle

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