compact and repair



after compact and repair command executed on the back end I'm getting
following error trying to open front end:

The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add.
Try inserting or pasting less data. (Error 3163)

The backup (version before compact and repair) works fine.
?Any clues?


Arvin Meyer [MVP]

You are probably experiencing a single corrupt record. Make several copies
of the one that works, and try again on the copies. If that doesn't work,
here are several other suggestions:

Always work on a copy of the database. Working on the original may make it
impossible for a repair service to fix it.

Download a copy of JetComp.exe:;EN-US;273956

Try backing up your forms as text with the undocumented SaveAsText
LoadFromText functions:

Also have a look at the Microsoft KB article:;EN-US;209137

Then have a look at Tony Toews' Access Corruption FAQ at:

for some suggestions. Unfortunately, some corruption cannot be fixed - you
may need to create a new database, import what can be salvaged, and recreate
the rest.

Although it's a paid service, Peter Miller does an outstanding job of saving
corrupt databases. Try this URL:

Tony Toews

alekm said:
after compact and repair command executed on the back end I'm getting
following error trying to open front end:

The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add.
Try inserting or pasting less data. (Error 3163)

This can be a sign of corrupt records in one table. The problem is
locating which table and then the corrupt records.

This likely means you have some corrupt records in your data. See
Corrupt Records in a Microsoft Access MDB If
this happens when you are doing a compact and repair then you will
have to determine which table has the corrupt records. You can try
importing the MDB into a new MDB and see which table(s) didn't import.
Alternatively open up each table individually and scroll to the
bottom. When Access gives you an error message or crashes then
you've found a corrupt record. Note that there can be multiple
corrupt records.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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