I found a post from 10/22/2004 that gave the code (shown at end) for this
posted by Doug Steele.
I am new to using VBA code, so my question is "Where" do I put this code.
What do I do to get this to work? I am using the built in switchboard and
would like to have it run from there. If I use the switchboard, do I create
an unbound form with a command button to activate the code? If so, does that
make it an Event Procedure?
OR.... is there a way to just use this code to compact and repair the front
end on the close of the database. There is a single user for the database,
so we don't have the problem of someone else using the table when she closes
Thanks for the help!
Here is the Code copied from previous post:
Function CompactDatabase(DatabaseName As String) As Boolean
' Renames the existing backend database from .MDB to .BAK
' Compacts the backup copy to the "proper" database
' Returns True if successful, False otherwise
On Error GoTo Err_CompactDatabase
Dim booStatus As Boolean
Dim strBackupFile As String
booStatus = True
' Make sure that DatabaseName exists
If Len(Dir$(DatabaseName)) > 0 Then
' Figure out what the backup file should be named
If StrComp(Right$(DatabaseName, 4), ".mdb", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
strBackupFile = Left$(DatabaseName, Len(DatabaseName) - 4) &
' Determine whether the backup file already exists,
' and delete it if it does.
If Len(Dir$(strBackupFile)) > 0 Then
Kill strBackupFile
End If
Name DatabaseName As strBackupFile
' Do the actual compact
DBEngine.CompactDatabase strBackupFile, DatabaseName
End If
End If
CompactDatabase = booStatus
Exit Function
booStatus = False
MsgBox Err.Description & " (" & Err.Number & ")", _
vbOkOnly + vbCritical
Resume End_CompactDatabase
End Function
posted by Doug Steele.
I am new to using VBA code, so my question is "Where" do I put this code.
What do I do to get this to work? I am using the built in switchboard and
would like to have it run from there. If I use the switchboard, do I create
an unbound form with a command button to activate the code? If so, does that
make it an Event Procedure?
OR.... is there a way to just use this code to compact and repair the front
end on the close of the database. There is a single user for the database,
so we don't have the problem of someone else using the table when she closes
Thanks for the help!
Here is the Code copied from previous post:
Function CompactDatabase(DatabaseName As String) As Boolean
' Renames the existing backend database from .MDB to .BAK
' Compacts the backup copy to the "proper" database
' Returns True if successful, False otherwise
On Error GoTo Err_CompactDatabase
Dim booStatus As Boolean
Dim strBackupFile As String
booStatus = True
' Make sure that DatabaseName exists
If Len(Dir$(DatabaseName)) > 0 Then
' Figure out what the backup file should be named
If StrComp(Right$(DatabaseName, 4), ".mdb", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
strBackupFile = Left$(DatabaseName, Len(DatabaseName) - 4) &
' Determine whether the backup file already exists,
' and delete it if it does.
If Len(Dir$(strBackupFile)) > 0 Then
Kill strBackupFile
End If
Name DatabaseName As strBackupFile
' Do the actual compact
DBEngine.CompactDatabase strBackupFile, DatabaseName
End If
End If
CompactDatabase = booStatus
Exit Function
booStatus = False
MsgBox Err.Description & " (" & Err.Number & ")", _
vbOkOnly + vbCritical
Resume End_CompactDatabase
End Function