I have a front end/back end architecture DB application. I'm trying to
compact the back end following a reload procedure. I have the following code;
If Len(Dir$(DatabaseName)) > 0 Then
If StrComp(Right$(DatabaseName, 4), ".mdb", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
strBackupFile = Left$(DatabaseName, Len(DatabaseName) - 4) &
If Len(Dir$(strBackupFile)) > 0 Then
Kill strBackupFile
End If
Name DatabaseName As strBackupFile
DBEngine.CompactDatabase strBackupFile, DatabaseName, , ,
End If
End If
When ever this function is called, an error 75, Path/File Access Error. On
debugging, it is occuring during the Name. DatabaseName holds
C:\stuff\nom\NOM_BE.mdb and strBackupFile holds C:\stuff\nom\NOM_BE.bak
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
compact the back end following a reload procedure. I have the following code;
If Len(Dir$(DatabaseName)) > 0 Then
If StrComp(Right$(DatabaseName, 4), ".mdb", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
strBackupFile = Left$(DatabaseName, Len(DatabaseName) - 4) &
If Len(Dir$(strBackupFile)) > 0 Then
Kill strBackupFile
End If
Name DatabaseName As strBackupFile
DBEngine.CompactDatabase strBackupFile, DatabaseName, , ,
End If
End If
When ever this function is called, an error 75, Path/File Access Error. On
debugging, it is occuring during the Name. DatabaseName holds
C:\stuff\nom\NOM_BE.mdb and strBackupFile holds C:\stuff\nom\NOM_BE.bak
Any help would be greatly appreciated.