Compacting problem



When compacting an Access 97 DB I get the message:

"You don't have the necessary permissions to use
the '~sq_Test Set subform' object. Have your system
administrator or the person who created this object
establish the appropriate permissions for you."

When I'm in as administrator I don't see an object of this
name in any of the Tables, queries, forms, etc. lists. I
also don't see this when looking at user and group

However, I do see the name entry in the MSysObjects system
table but I can't update this table.

How can I find and get rid of this bogus object?



Arvin Meyer

The object isn't bogus it is the temporary query formed by a sql statement,
probably on a form which either has security on it, and/or no longer exists.

If you cannot compact, create a new database and import all the objects into
it. Temporary objects will not import.
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
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