Compacting .pst file



I try to reduce the size of my outlook 2000 .pst file by using the "compact"
command. The .pst file size is 1.98 gb.
It's been doing that for more than 10 hours and still running. Is that
normal ?

An quick answer is very appreciated.

Thank you.


There is a 2gb size limitation on OL2k pst's. Problems can occur from about
Run into problems and your pst will be come corrupted and possibly
Assuming your pst is ok perhaps you should archive or creat a new pst and
copy data across now!


Thank you for the advice. I do have a backup copy of my pst file.
I did use the 2gb truncation utility to reduce the size by 15mb.Then i run
Scanpst.exe to repair it. After that, i have no problem to open my pst file
with Outlook, and i try to the blank space of the pst file by using "compact"
Normally it takes 4 to 8 hrs to complete the job, but after 12 hrs, it 's
still compacting. Could i cancel it without corrupting it ?

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