This may be a possible solution for you.
First, put the following function in a regular module (name the module
Public Function ExtractNumbers(strFieldValue As String) As String
Dim intLoop As Integer
Dim strHold As String, strX As String
strHold = ""
For intLoop = 1 To Len(strFieldValue)
strX = Mid(strFieldValue, intLoop, 1)
If IsNumeric(strX) = True Then _
strHold = strHold & strX
Next intLoop
ExtractNumbers = strHold
End Function
Then create an select query and put a calculated field in the query grid:
NumVal: Eval(ExtractNumbers([NameOfField])
Then do your sort based on this calculated field.
Ken Snell
Jason Frazer said:
the field will have number or letters. All numbers are
integers (no decimals) I want to find the lowest number
valvue and ignore the letters. for example if [field1] =
2 and [field2] = 5 and [field3]=N; the expression need to
return 2 and set that to [field4]
Hope this helps
-----Original Message-----
You'll need to provide more specific info:
what do the values in the fields look like?
what do you mean by "smallest value" (numeric? text comparison)?
Ken Snell