Company logo in all reports


Michalis J.

I would like to insert a company logo in all the reports of an access
database. This logo however must change when the database is used by
different customers.
To solve this problem with other company details I have a form with all
company details which I fill up for each customer. The headings of all
reports are referenced to these company information. Can I do somthing
similar with the logo?
What I mean is to insert the logo in the company details form and then from
each report to regference to that image.

Nikos Yannacopoulos

Insert an image object in your reports, set its Picture Type property to
Linked, and its Picture property to None; in your company details table,
store the path and filename of the stored company logo; use an
appropriate event (such as the report open, or the report header format
if in the header) to assign the file path and name to the image's
Picture property, with something like:

Dim sPicture As String
sPicture = DLookup("LogoFile","tblCompanyDetails","some condition?")
Me.Image17.Picture = sPicture


Michalis J.

Do I need to load any references.
When I type "Me.Image17. " , "Picture" is not available and the picture is
not loaded

Nikos Yannacopoulos

It wasn't available for me either, I just typed it. Didn't have to add
any reference, but check for the OLE Automation one anyway. It worked
for me in A2K3, don't know if it's a version thing.


Michalis J.

The Ole Automation is on, and I use Access2003 too but still the picture
doesn't come up. I have to look at it more carefully. Thanks a lot anyway.


Nikos Yannacopoulos

By the way, you did substitute my hypothetical table, field and control
noames with the actual ones, right? Didi you debug to check that
sPicture is assigned the excpected path nad filename correctly?


John Spencer (MVP)

An alternative approach.

Create a report with just the Logo and any other information you want to
consistently display.

Use this "master header report" as a sub-report in all your reports that require
the information.

All you have to do if something changes, such as the company name, is edit this
"master header report" and all the places you are using it will be automatically updated.

Michalis J.

Of-course I have used the correct names and I have checked the path. I think
the problem is in the picture format.

Michalis J.

I think this is a good idea although it can not be done automatically and the
user will have to prepare the master report. Thanks a lot.

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