
Dear All

I need a VB macro for the following purpose.

The scenario:-
I have a workbook(book1.xls) with 10 sheets(Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3
etc). All sheets contain data(text) in column A. I have anothe
workbook(book2.xls) with 1 sheet(Sheet1). This book also contain
data(text) in column A.

What I want to achieve:-
1. If the data in cell A1 from book2.xls is found anywhere i
book1.xls, then cut cell A1 from book2.xls and paste in next to th
found cell in book1.xls.
2. Repeat process for cell A2, A3, etc until there are no more data i
book2.xls or there are no more matches.

1. The data in cell A6530 of book2.xls is also found in Sheet9 cel
A8665 of book1.xls.
2. Cell A6530 of book2.xls is cut & pasted in Sheet9 cell B8665 o

Additional info:
1. The number of rows in book2.xls are not fixed(may change)
2. The number of rows in all 10 sheets in book1.xls are not fixed(ma
3. I need the script to MATCH CASE when searching
4. I need the script to search partial matches
5. Book1.xls is really BIG so the code must not run out of memor

Thanks a lot for contributing your knowledge.


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