Compare 2 Worksheets and return differences in a third.



I have 3 worsheets on a file.
Number one contains a list of current customers by:
Column 1: Account number, Column 2: Company Name, Column 3: Adress Line 1,
Column 4: City, Column 5: Zip/Postal Code and Column 6: Spend to date.
Number 2 is an import table that I paste to each month with the following
data supplied by my head office:
Column 1: Account Number, Column 2: Company, Column 3: Spend to date.
The idea was to be able to then use a VLOOKUP formula to go back to
Worksheet one and sort customer spend by zip/postcode area.
The VLOOKUP formula I use for this is:
NOW: I want a third worksheet to tell me if there are any NEW customers on
the list being sent by my head office that I didn't originally have listed on
worksheet 1.
This way, I can add them manually to worksheet 1 ready for next month and
then the third worksheet will do the same again!
Is this possible with a formula and can anyone tell me what it is and how to
do it?!!

Thank you in advance!


What I normally do is also do another vlookup on the list from your company.
Anything that came up with N/A are the ones that are not on Wksht 1 list.
Might be too manual but it's a workaround. I'm anxious to see if there is a
faster way of doing it too.

Myrna Larson

After looking briefly at the macro you cite, I don't think it will work. I
think that's intended to identify changes in the data on two different sheets
that have the same layouts (same number of rows and columns, in the same
order, etc.)

The OP's first sheet has 6 columns of data, his 2nd only 3 (the address lines
aren't there on the 2nd sheet), and data in column 3 on the 2nd sheet
corresponds to column 6 on the first.

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