Compare and Merge Large Document



We have a large (+500) page Word 2003 document to which several reviewers
will contribute additions/changes. Each reviewer has his or her merge copy on
which they are working---all are working on different parts of the document.
When each reviewer is finished we will merge his/her changes into the
original, which we refer to as the Master.

The Master currently has tracked changes throughout. My question is
can/should we accept all of the tracked changes currently in the Master, thus
creating a cleaner file to accept the changes from the reviewers? That way
only the reviewers' changes will affect text in the Master; the other,
previously accepted text will remain unchanged. And by having "cleaned up"
the Master before accepting text from the reviewers, the Master will be a
little more integral, and therefore a little less susceptible to corruption.

Does that sound reasonable?


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