Compare columns



I have a worksheet with 2 columns
Col A contains numbers from 1 to well over 1500 with many numbers
repeating(All sorted in order)
Col B contains number form 1 to 950-in sequence, but not consequtive( it
could be 1 2 3 6 7 10 12 etc) and NO repeats
I want to find out which number appear in Col A and do not apprea in Col B


given 2 lists of words

1. Select column B (click the letter B)
2. Choose Format > Conditional formatting
" 3. In ""Condition 1"" choose ""Formula is"""
" 4. Enter this formula =(COUNTIF($A:$A,B1)=0)*(B1<>"")"
" 5. Click the ""Formats"" button and take your pick. OK.OK."

Now every name in B not in A will light up.

Another example
comparison of 2 columns
this function put in c1 and autofilled down will show the A1 value,
IF A1 does not exist anywhere in B1:B2000 -

3rd example...
Reply to: Compare two columns using wildcards

where A1 is a value from the 1st column and List2!A:A is
a reference to your 2nd column. This formula will return
0 or 1. 1 means that there's a match; 0 means there isn't.
You can apply a number format to change these values to any
flag you wish. For example, [=1][green]"Y";[red]"N" will
produce a green "Y" or a red "N".

------ Unique Rows Selection ----------

Has anyone done a macro that will retain the compare values in a column
and will retain
the first of each unigue entry and delete the rows with repetitive data?

Answer 1
If you don't require a macro, you could highlight your social security
row and goto data,
filter, advance filter. Check unique records only and okay. Note - dumps
unique records,
not unique cells.
Highlight the collapsed list. Hit control G, special, visable cells only
and control c
to copy. Then control V to paste your list on a new sheet with no

If you tell the advanced filter to put the results in a different column
(rather than
filtering the list in place) you can skip the copy paste as values

.. . . For a single column . . . . . . .
You can mark the duplicates, filter the list to display the marked
entries, and delete
the visible rows.

1. Mark the duplicates. See Tagging Duplicate Entries at:
2. Apply a filter, using Filter>AutoFilter
3. Select the visible rows
4. Choose Edit>Delete

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
:::Steps to remove duplicates:
Use Chip's technique to tag the duplicates. Then, turn on AutoFilter
(Data>Filter>AutoFilter). From the drop-down list in the Tag column,
select "Duplicate". Select the rows that remain visible, and delete


Hi pcor,

Here's one way although it seems a little too easy that it
may not be what you're looking for.

In C1 enter this formula and copy down as far as needed to
equal the total rows of numbers in column A:


Returns of 0 mean the number is not in column B. You could
apply a conditional format to column A to highlight those
numbers for easier identification. To do this, select the
range in column A. Goto Format>Conditional Format>Formula
Is> =C1=0. Then select a style of format, say

Hope this helps!

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