Compare data of two excel spreadsheets in a third sheet



Hi to all of you!

I would need some advice how to compare two data filled excel spreadsheets
and display the output in a third sheet.
Details of my task: I have two similar databases in excel sheets. I have
several categories such as identification number, release date, geo,
industry, revenue, ... What I need to develop is a (if possible) automatic
comparison of these two spreadsheets in order two know the drifts and
matches. Therefore the macro shall take per identification number the first
row with data of sheet one and put it in sheet three. Then the macro shall
search sheet two for the same identification number and if there is a match,
copy the whole row of data in the 3rd sheet directly in the row below the
already existing data with the same identification number. Finished with this
step, the marco shall put one blank row below the gathered data in sheet
three and start from the beginning with the next identification number.

Thank you very much for any help from your side!

Bernie Deitrick


Contact me privately: deitbe at consumer dot org and I will send you an add-in that will add a by
sheet/database style comparison option to your tools menu.

MS Excel MVP

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