Compare entries in 2 worksheets and list what does not match


The Chomp

Good Day All;

I have 2 Excell works sheets with approx 14000 rows each. What I would like
to do is compare both lists and get a 3rd list that shows what entries do not
Is there a simple way to do ythis in Excel

Thanks All

Luke M

Assuming A1 should equal A1 in the other sheet...

=IF(Sheet1!A1=Sheet2!A1,"",Sheet!A1&" does not match "&Sheet2!A1)

Auto-Filter for non-blanks.

The Chomp

Thank you very much Luke

Luke M said:
Assuming A1 should equal A1 in the other sheet...

=IF(Sheet1!A1=Sheet2!A1,"",Sheet!A1&" does not match "&Sheet2!A1)

Auto-Filter for non-blanks.
Best Regards,

Luke M
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