compare large documents doesn't work



when I do a compare documents for large documents, it
seems to start ok for the first few pages but then all the
rest of the document appears highlighted as if changed but
its not...? any ideas?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You don't say what version of Word you have, but this feature is not very
robust in some earlier versions, and even Microsoft recommended a
third-party add-in (CompareRite, IIRC). It should work better in current


apologies, I am using office 2000 on a windows 2000
professional pc, loads of RAM and processor.
should I look at using 'CompareRite'??

Jonathan West

ed said:
apologies, I am using office 2000 on a windows 2000
professional pc, loads of RAM and processor.
should I look at using 'CompareRite'??

It might be worth considering.

Another possibility is to break down each version of your large document
into a set of smaller files and perform the comparison between those.

Charles Kenyon

Yes, or save both versions as text files and compare those. If what you want
is a comparison of text this works. The formatting adds whole additional
levels of complexity.
Charles Kenyon

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