Compare/Merge Documents Problem



We've dealt with Microsoft on this one to no avail, so now
I'm going to punt:

The following blurb is from the MS knowledge base:

WD2002: Compare and Merge Documents Feature Shows
Inaccurate Changes
When you use the Compare and Merge Documents feature in
Microsoft Word to compare a revised document with the
original version of a document, inaccurately marked
changes appear in the revised document.
This problem may occur when the Random Security
Identifiers (RSIDs) are missing from the documents that
are being compared or merged.

RSIDs may be missing when any one of the following
conditions is true in at least one of the documents that
is being compared or merged:
At least one of the documents has been edited and saved in
an earlier version of Microsoft Word
I have verified that it is indeed only occurring with
documents that were created in previous versions.

My desktop computer redlines/compares the documents just
fine. However, one of my clients, who has the exact same
Word build version, cannot properly redline documents that
were created in Word versions previous to 2002/XP. Some of
the deleted items show up as new items.

Does anyone have any VBA idea how to deal with this? The
client received a "fix" patch from Microsoft that did
absolutely no good.



Word Heretic

G'day "dziv" <[email protected]>,

Answered elsewhere

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic
Want a hyperlinked index? S/W R&D? See

steve from (Email replies require payment)

dziv reckoned:

Charles Kenyon

Worth trying (although I haven't):

Save a copy of the old file as a text file. Use the text file for the

Charles Kenyon

See the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
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